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  • Writer's pictureAllison Sit

You don’t need a PR firm to get in the news

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

It’s a little-known secret in public relations: Your business doesn’t need a PR firm to get in the news. Shocking, right?

Here’s why I know: I am a trained journalist and former television news reporter. I have interviewed people in all situations and walks of life – some with PR representation, but most without.

Here’s what PR firms don’t want you to know: You have credibility with reporters. Reporters love hearing from real people, not from PR spokespersons. Your PR efforts have an authenticity that reporters love.

Don’t get me wrong. PR firms have their place. I pitch on behalf of my clients and do so with success. PR firms are most helpful when they have relationships with key reporters and when you don’t have the time to pitch media yourself.

I want to call out as a lie this falsehood that you have to hire a PR firm (and have the money to pay for one) before you can get your business in the news. I know successful professionals who have the financial resources to pay for a PR firm yet have chosen to invest in their own PR skills and have developed quality relationships with reporters over time. I smile every time I see their names in the national consumer magazines I read.

Here’s what I know:

(1) Your business deserves to be part of the conversation.

(2) You don’t need to wait until you have the money to hire a PR firm.

(3) Media view your efforts to tell your story as more authentic than a pitch from a PR firm.

As someone who has worked for and counseled businesses and organizations for nearly 20 years, I want to empower you. You can not only get media coverage but you can also develop long-lasting relationships with reporters.

Hi, I'm Allison Sit, TV reporter turned PR consultant. I help motivated small business owners gain visibility and media exposure for their companies.

Follow me on Instagram at @allisonsitpr.

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