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  • Writer's pictureAllison Sit

You are the key to your company's PR

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

Have you ever thought PR was out of reach for your business? There’s no way you could spend that kind of money where your business is at today.

What if I told you that you didn’t have to spend all that money and you could still get your business in the news?

It’s true. You don't need a pricey PR firm. YOU can be your company's PR representative.

I’ve worked for organizations that have used PR firms in very strategic and very successful ways. These firms have developed the reputation that they are the only way, and that’s not true.

I know from the inside because I am a former reporter, and the goal of reporters is to communicate from the people to the people.

Sometimes PR firms have developed relationships with reporters in certain niches. Sometimes they are more efficient than if you could do the same work in-house. But they are not the only way. Cost should not preclude your business from working with the media.

You can effectively pitch the media. You can give great interviews. You can develop media relationships that last. I’m here to help you know how.

So boost that confidence and grow your skills. I believe in you.

Need extra help? Let's work together.

Hi, I'm Allison Sit, TV reporter turned PR consultant. I help motivated small business owners gain visibility and media exposure for their companies.

Follow me on Instagram at @allisonsitpr.

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