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  • Writer's pictureAllison Sit

How to choose a background for a TV interview on Zoom

Updated: Feb 22, 2021

The pandemic has changed the way most of us work, and media are no different. Video conferencing technology, such as Zoom, allows TV reporters to conduct interviews without leaving the station. The great news is you can now participate in a TV interview from anywhere!

But where is the best “anywhere” for a TV interview? The best location for a Zoom interview is one that allows you – not your décor – to stand out.

Here are my top tips for choosing a background for a Zoom interview:

1. Visually communicate your expertise, when possible. If you are a physician participating in an interview from your office, set up in an exam room. If you’re a scientist, conduct the interview from your lab, where possible. Use the background to your advantage and show the audience that you have expertise on the topic.

2. Use artificial backgrounds with caution. I recently saw a TV interview with a local politician who used a background to communicate her title. When she spoke, however, the blue color of the background also appeared in her mouth. It was distracting and bizarre. Be sure to test any artificial backgrounds well before the interview.

3. Choose a room with neutral colors. If you have a room painted in bold colors, choose another location if possible. Neutral-colored rooms are the least distracting.

4. Choose a background with depth. A flat wall as a background makes you appear, well, flat. Add dimension by choosing a background that has some depth, such as a bookcase or pictures on the wall.

5. Sit away from the wall. I’ve spent many newscasts in the past year trying to determine what books are on the interviewees’ shelves. I know I’m not alone. While it’s important to have depth, make sure you are far enough from the wall so that your decorative items fade into the background.

Remember, the goal of an interview is to make your message heard, not to impress others. Choose a background that is complimentary to make the greatest impact.

Need help preparing for a TV interview on Zoom? I can help.

Hi, I'm Allison Sit, TV reporter turned PR consultant. I help motivated small business owners gain visibility and media exposure for their companies.

Follow me on Instagram at @allisonsitpr.

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