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  • Writer's pictureAllison Sit

Four tips for PR newbies

Updated: Dec 10, 2021

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something outside of your expertise and found it so confusing you wanted to quit?

I’ve felt like that. Whether it’s launching a website or building a bookcase, that feeling of overwhelm and anxiety is there until I take what is complex and make it simple. Then the website goes live and the bookcase is ready for use.

The thought of promoting your business in the media can bring about those same emotions. What do I do? How do I begin?

Here are four tips for first-time businesses looking to grow through public relations:

· Know your brand. Dial down what you do and why you do it. If someone asks you what your business does, be able to – without looking at a cheat sheet – communicate your purpose in one sentence. Your response should be clear and it should be automatic. Focusing on your messages will help your customers, the media and your employees gain clarity and focus.

· Know your audience. Determine your ideal customer. Be bold. Be specific. If you could have only one type of customer for your business, who would that be?

· Start small. Don’t shy away from neighborhood or niche publications. They may be exactly what your business needs in the moment.

· Don’t give up. Ask for help when you need it. You have expertise in your business and it’s OK to admit that you may be lost when it comes to promoting your business in the media. Reaching out for help will keep you from spinning your wheels and put you on track for growth. (Find out how I can help.)

In the next four weeks, I’ll explain each of these tips in more detail. So, take a step back. Take a breath. One step at a time is how accomplishments are made.

Hi, I'm Allison Sit, TV reporter turned PR consultant. I help motivated small business owners gain visibility and media exposure for their companies.

Follow me on Instagram at @allisonsitpr.

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