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  • Writer's pictureAllison Sit

Five must-dos for every media interview

Media interviews can bring about a mixture of excitement and nerves, especially if it’s your very first time. You know you’ll have to answer the reporter’s questions. But what else should you do for a successful interview?

I’ve participated in countless interviews over the years – some in the role of a television reporter, and others in the role of public relations consultant to the interviewee. I’ve seen interviews go well and interviews that were busts. Here are my top five must-dos for every media interview:

1. Communicate your expertise. Don’t assume that the reporter knows what makes you an expert on the subject. If you have advanced training on the matter, make that known. Let them know the effort you’ve invested in the topic, such as years of schooling, leadership roles in organizations and research projects. If the topic is your passion, let them know how you’ve lived it out.

2. Share an audience CTA (Call to Action). Always share what the audience can do with the information you’re sharing, such as a cause to get behind, an event to attend or a healthy habit to develop. Help the audience gain a sense of ownership over the topic.

3. Thank the reporter for the opportunity. Always recognize that it is the reporter who controls the keys to the interview. Even though it may take place at your office, the reporter is always the host. Never take a media opportunity for granted.

4. Offer to fact-check. Remember, reporters know a little about a lot of things, so they may not be well-versed in the weeds of your topic. Always offer to fact-check. Reporters may not take you up on the offer, but it communicates your willingness to help ensure an accurate story. If you’re sharing data points, always make sure to send that information in writing.

5. Share your next story idea. Use the small talk time to share other story ideas. What else should the audience know about the topic? What other subject matters are you passionate about that you think people at home should be passionate about, too?

Need some support preparing for your next media interview – or landing one in the first place? Learn how hiring Allison Sit PR on retainer might be the next right move for your business.

Hi, I'm Allison Sit, TV reporter turned PR consultant. I help motivated small business owners gain visibility and media exposure for their companies.

Follow me on Instagram at @allisonsitpr.

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